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Marian Vian

Primary School

Cherishing Children and their Futures

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.

Curriculum Overview

The details of our curriculum are set out below. Our aim is to help each child become a well educated, rounded individual ready for their next steps in life.

Our Curriculum Drivers and Statement



What are we aiming to achieve? (Intent)


At Marian Vian we provide a broad, balanced curriculum which aims to give the young people in our care rich, diverse and thought provoking experiences delivered by a dedicated, knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff.


The curriculum is driven by the three Core Values of the Trust: Respect, Resourcefulness & Resilience - which underpin our intention in both the taught and wider curriculum, ensuring that we prepare children for the next steps in their learning and in their lives.


Traditional elements of teaching and learning are balanced with approaches such as Philosophy for Children and Bushcraft. Computing and ICT are appropriately used as a tool for learning and are woven throughout the curriculum. Our grounds are a wonderful resource and provide fantastic opportunities for learning outdoors.


Wellbeing and character development is implicit in all that we do and through a fully inclusive environment all pupils are taught to aim high and go beyond what they believe their limits are. Expectations in all areas of the curriculum, and of the pupils are ambitious.


Marian Vian uses a variety of resources, schemes of work and teacher expertise to develop the sequence and content of the curriculum. We embrace the ambitions of the National Curriculum and build on it. We have created logical and systematic progression sequences to achieve the knowledge and skills required for next steps in the children’s educational journey.


Reading and the love of reading is a core tenet of our curriculum. We use the approved Little Wandle scheme for teaching phonics. From the children’s first day in school we develop and nurture a passion for reading by promoting different genres and authors. Our reading materials are appropriately challenging, thought provoking and enjoyable. Our partnership with parents, carers and the wider community and even our reading therapy dog are important elements in the delivery and success of reading. Reading skills and the development of fluency are intentionally taught and practised.


The curriculum is everything that children experience whilst in our care. We deliver it through lessons, times in between lessons, in clubs, inter-school competition and co-operation within and beyond our school. We encourage the children to pursue their own interests and passions and celebrate their successes.


Our curriculum aims to expand the children’s awareness of the world beyond Beckenham by exploring the differences and similarities of the people and the environment across the globe. Trips out and having visitors into school is common place.


Throughout our curriculum children are taught to question, listen, reason, articulate and make considered decisions based on facts. (Including the reliability of information and its source) Developing critical thinking leads to deeper and longer term understanding.


We develop the children’s thinking so that they understand the impact they individually have and the difference they can make to our local community and the future of the planet.


We value and celebrate diversity within Marian Vian and beyond. We endeavour to create an inclusive environment where all children feel part of the school community and valued as an individual.


Whilst the central planks of our curriculum are the academic subjects, our outstanding Bushcraft provision and elements of the wider curriculum such as the extensive first aid course Year 6 undertakes exemplifies our broad approach to education and the delivery of the curriculum. Our holistic approach develops many ‘soft’ skills and knowledge helping the children be lifelong learners who are resilient, resourceful and respectful. The long term intent is that the children become responsible and constructive citizens who make positive contributions to society.



How do we achieve our aims? (Implementation)


At Marian Vian the curriculum is clearly mapped out and sequenced. Plans cover relevant vocabulary, key knowledge for successful learning and where in the learning journey each concept is. We look for opportunities to apply and draw on knowledge and skills from across the curriculum and explore real life contexts and make connections between subject areas.


Teaching is evidence informed with staff adapting to the age and need of the children in their care. The quality teaching enables the children to learn more and remember more.


Effective formative assessment is utilised throughout lessons in order to maximise learning and progress. Immediate feedback and marking along with peer assessment is used effectively to check understanding and to move learning forward at an appropriate pace. Summative assessment at a variety of points provides further evidence of progress and attainment which in turn feeds back into planning and teaching.


Computing is taught discretely but the application of the skills and knowledge gained is used across the curriculum. The use of technology as a tool for learning rather than an end in itself engages the children (such as ‘green screening’ a news presentation inspired from a book being studied in English.) This replicates the world the children see every day through news outlets such as Newsround. This also helps to reinforce learning as the children have to retrieve their knowledge of computing.


All groups of learners such as children with SEND and disadvantaged pupils are regularly monitored to ensure that any funding or interventions are being effectively used.


Achievements and effort are regularly recognised and celebrated, developing the children’s beliefs and ambitions whilst constantly challenging them to strive further.


Our extracurricular provision provides extensive opportunities for all children to try, develop and excel in a wide range of experiences such as cooking, art, languages and many different sports.


What are the outcomes of our work? (Impact)


At Marian Vian standards and levels of achievement are consistently high (especially at KS2) and well above National averages in reading, writing and mathematics ensuring that children are ready for the further academic stages and challenges of secondary school.


Regular pupil progress meetings, plus formative and summative assessment evidence that gaps in pupils’ knowledge have been identified and addressed promptly so that the progress of individuals and overall high standards are maintained.

As a result of all the different reading experiences at Marian Vian, engagement in reading is high and children are proactive in requesting new releases across a range of genres, sometimes via the School Council or directly to the Head Teacher.


Due to the clear intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum standards are consistently high, pupils enjoy school and are given every opportunity to become respectful, resourceful and resilient young people.

Compass Curriculum - Our Aspirations and Our Why


Personal Development Statement

Music Development Plan

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

School/Contact Information

Marian Vian

Primary School

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